Monday, August 24, 2009

Post-graduation (III) 之 Post-grad Photo-shooting

Robe-returning, transcript & degree certificate collecting, stage photo collecting AND post-graduation photo-shooting around Pharmacy Department & U.M.

Left: U.M. Pharmacy building
Right: Corridor along Pharmacy Department
(Wondering I still have chance to return to this place again...)

With our Head of Department, Dr. Ibrahim (the tiny man with moustache & beard =p) and 2 lecturers- Pn.Faizah and Dr.Chung

With our dearest Dr.Mike, Chemistry lecturer (He's so charming!!!)
PS: I had private lessons with him once together with another student in his office due to some reasons... Those times were great although a bit stressful (of course la, 1 to 2 wor..)

Left: Nyuk Jet, a friend from Science Faculty I knew through my YOGA CLASSES during 2nd year. Now she's doing her Master at Pharmacy Department under my uni mentor!!! The world is so small...

Center: Kak Mariah, the office clerk that had HELPED ME A LOT on the documenting and proceduring matters.

Right: Dr.Chung, the lecturer who had always cared and concerned about my academics.

Not able to take photos with:

Dr.Zoriah, my mentor who had been giving me support, guidance and advices throughout my uni life.

Dr.Riyanto, my final year research project supervisor who had provided me information, guidance and help on my work.

The tiny windows of our seminar room doors.

Inside the Seminar Room 4 (classroom for final year students)
I will miss the life in here!

Posing at the Canseleri building

DTC (Dewan Tunku Canselor)
U.M. main hall, the place where all the grand events take place.

U.M. 100 years sign board

She's trying to SNATCH MY SCROLL!!!

In remembrance of the H1N1 threat during 2009 convocation season, LOLS~

Serious - Freestyle - Hooray!!!
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)

After everyone had settled all the matters (returned robe, collected transcript & photos), OFF WE WENT TO THE NORTH --> TAIPING!